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The speciation of technology

In the evolving technology space, there can be a tendency to assume that a single class of technology will come to dominate. The stand-out example is Tony Seba’s projection that all new road vehicles—buses, cars, vans, trucks —will be entirely electric by 2030, and...

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Electricity networks and disruption

Clayton Christensen’s theory of disruption was originally based on his observations about disc drives. He saw that the manufacturers of 14” drives for mainframes had been driven out of business by manufacturers of 8” drives for mini-computers, and then the companies...

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A few thoughts on the electricity 'death spiral'

One of Germany’s exports has been the idea of ‘energy democratisation’ - the Energiewende is not just a transition to renewable energy but a switch to energy democracy. But was does energy democracy really mean and is it a useful model for thinking about future energy...

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